• Video Tutorial l Indonesian
    [IDA]ATOM™ SDK User Guide

    Baru mengenal AI NPU Atom dan RBLN SDK dari Rebellions? Mulai dengan panduan pengguna SDK kami untuk memanfaatkan dan menjalankan...

  • Video Tutorial l English
    ATOM™ SDK User Guide

    New to Rebellion’s AI NPU Atom and RBLN SDK? Get started with our SDK user guide to utilize AI models...

  • Video Tutorial l Japanese
    ATOM™ SDK ユーザーガイド

    AIモデルやAI推論の新しい体験のために、RebellionsのAI NPUであるATOMとSDKの使用方法について、SDKユーザーガイドを紹介します。

  • Video Tutorial l Korean
    ATOM™ SDK 사용 가이드

    리벨리온의 AI NPU 아톰과 RBLN SDK를 처음 만나시나요? SDK 사용 가이드로 보다 빠르고 손쉽게 AI모델을 활용하고 AI추론을 수행해보세요!

  • Rebellions and SAPEON Korea Sign Definitive Merger Agreement

    [Seoul, August 18, 2024] Rebellions Inc., a South Korean AI chip startup and SAPEON Korea, an artificial intelligence (AI) semiconductor...

  • Highlights
    Rebellions Delving Deeper into the AI Ecosystem

    Rebellions has experienced significant growth in the past four years as a result of our unwavering commitment to revolutionizing AI...

  • White Paper
    White Paper: Rebellions’ Software Stack

  • South Korea’s foremost AI Chip company “Rebellions” Secures $15M Series B Extension round by Wa’ed Ventures

    [Seoul, July 23, 2024] Rebellions, a pioneering South Korean AI chipmaker, today announced the successful closing of a $15 million...

  • How We are using Synopsys Solutions to Develop Our Next-Gen AI Chips